My future job

Right now, I’m study architecture but I don't see me like architect. Really, I do not see me doing nothing in particular. I always think that I can end doing anything combine or not with my studies. However, the things I know is that I really like to travel a lot on different countries to know more about the thing I will doing in my job and I hope that the job is outdoors and not in an office. I don't like the idea of stay all day shut in an office. 

In this moment, I interested in interior design and landscape. I don't know if I follow one of this lines but right now are the themes I interested. I don't see me in the construction or in an office all day I need things that could change and not very static labors. I like how the colors and the furniture on a place can change the perception or the order of the things can change the sense on the people.  

I like to stay outdoors and specific in forest or field so I think I can end planting plants or something like that maybe designing with plants some gardens or parks something like this. My parents know a lot of this area because they studied agronomy and forestal engineer so they can help me in this idea.  


  1. I like so much the design of furniture, I think that as an architect, you can desing that perfectly

  2. I love your future job, I think that it's very important. I wuld like work in this job with you!

  3. Friend, remember that we have to do a business for our future!!


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