The Best Concert Ever

I went to my first concert in March of 2016 and it was one of my favorite bands Maroon 5. Before I went to this show I thought the tickets for any concert are too expensive so I didn't think I can go to one. I remember I went with my cousin and two friends of her. It was in the Movistar Arena when we arrived there was a very long line and we stayed in the line for two hours before we can enter. I listened their music when we are a child because my parents like some songs of them . The concert was about the album V this music it was different that the others but this album really likes me. Maroon 5 is band of 1994 but in this time there call Kara's Flowers until 1995. The singer is Adam Levine and I watch a movie of him and the TV show the voice where he was a jury. In the band are six more people I don't know a lot of them really.